Automated Testing with Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver
Automated Testing with Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver
- Get knowledge of Selenium WebDriver initial setup and API functions
- Be able to automate scenarios and drive browser with simple English sentences
- Learn Behavior-Driven Development (Cucumber)
- Understand development and automation with example of Ruby
- Write automated scenarios to replace existing manual test cases
- Find how to deal with all types of HTML elements (click, fill, validate, send, etc.)
- Learn how to debug and fix automation scenarios
- Find and deal with cases that only automation can cover
- History, development, reasons of automation. Why automate?
- Example automated scenarios – automating redundant tasks.
- What automation engineer needs to know in HTML to easily deal with any page?
- Understanding grey box testing and usage of browser built-in and external development tools – Chrome developer tools, etc.
- Different HTML element location strategies – XPath, CSS.
- Learning universal mechanism to locate any element to use in automation.
- Relative XPath, Cheatsheet, navigating over elements, selecting by tag name, attribute name, empty tag, tag contents, text, etc.
- Modern approach to write software applications – automation engineer role.
- Role of manual engineer in automation, transition to automation engineer role.
- Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with example of Cucumber. Definition and architecture. Gherkin language.
- Automation frameworks overview and structure.
- Setting up simple Selenium WebDriver Automation Framework with BDD from scratch on Windows, Linux or Mac.
- Running demo automated scenarios.
- Auto-generated report with screenshots overview and how to open bug with it.
- Automation engineer toolset overview.
- Automated libraries management at work.
- Navigation, Click Elements, Alert Handling, Data Input, Assertion, Progress, Taking Screenshot, Configuration and Mobile Steps.
- How to drive browser and write any executable scenario with simple English sentences. Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, etc. Scenario definitions. BDD Cheatsheet.
- Practice makes perfect!
- Specific manual test cases and way to automate them.
- Input fields, emails, dropdowns, checkboxes, textarea, multi-select, file attachment, etc.
- Date picker, iFrames, alerts, between windows navigation, passwords, mouse over, etc.
- Dealing with forms, forms reset and submit.
- Multiple browser usage with Selenium WebDriver.
- Automated scenarios simplification and optimization.
- Ruby language deep dive – simple, laconic, object oriented, easiest to learn.
- Interactive Ruby.
- Data types – numeric, boolean, string, collection, etc.
- Data operations, concatenation, printing, function calls on objects.
- Data type conversions.
- Simple boolean expressions and why automation engineers need them.
- if / else conditions.
- Arrays, maps.
- Variables scope.
- Selenium WebDriver API Cheatsheet, all functions you need to know to be successful.
- Selenium WebDriver API method diagrams – how to learn it fast.
- Writing your own classes, functions.
- Assertion vs validation – why automation engineer needs to learn them?
- Exceptions and loops.
- Page Object Pattern.
- Driver, title, current url, window handles, find element, click, send keys, clear, text, attribute, displayed, enabled, selected, etc.
- Managing cookies, logs, timeouts, alerts, screenshots, reports, etc.
- Practice with multiple real pages and websites from the internet.
- Converting manual test cases into automated ones – convert your own manual scenario you always wanted to!
- Source control and repository management.
- Continuous integration, QA and automation engineers roles in it.
- Real configuration examples overview.
- Interview questions overview.
PRICE $2,450
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